嗯。。关于网络流问题以及augment详解,参见这里。Following: Pascal Code
uses math; type {node_st=record p,t:longint; end;} arr_st=array[1..1000000]of longint; var st:arr_st; R,G:array[1..1000,1..1000]of longint; tot,s,t,edges,best:longint; function beside(st:arr_st;node:longint):boolean; var i:longint; begin for i:=1 to tot do begin if st[i]=node then exit(true); end; exit(false); end; function getmini(st:arr_st):longint; var i:longint; begin i:=1; getmini:=R[st[1]][st[2]]; while (st[i+1]<>0)do begin getmini:=min(R[st[i]][st[i+1]],getmini); inc(i); end; exit(getmini); end; function aug(node:longint;var st:arr_st):boolean; var i:longint; flag,geta:boolean; begin if node=t then begin inc(tot); st[tot]:=0; exit(true); end; flag:=false; for i:=1 to edges do begin if (R[node][i]>0)and(not beside(st,i)) then begin flag:=true; inc(tot); st[tot]:=i; geta:=aug(i,st); end; if geta then exit(true); end; if flag=false then st[tot]:=0; dec(tot); if node = s then begin fillchar(st,sizeof(st),0); exit(false); end; end; procedure change(num:longint); var i:longint; begin i:=1; while (st[i+1]<>0)do begin dec(R[st[i]][st[i+1]],num); inc(i); end; end; procedure solve; var b:boolean; mini:longint; begin repeat tot:=1; fillchar(st,sizeof(st),0); st[1]:=s; b:=aug(s,st); mini:=getmini(st); change(mini); inc(best,mini); until not b; end; procedure init; var i,cap,x,y:longint; begin readln(s,t,edges); fillchar(R,sizeof(R),0); fillchar(G,sizeof(G),0); for i:=1 to edges do begin readln(x,y,cap); G[x][y]:=cap; inc(R[x][y],cap); end; end; begin assign(input,'ms.in'); assign(output,'ms.out'); reset(input); rewrite(output); init; solve; writeln(best); close(input); close(output); end.
关于排版问题= =我先在windows下nodepad++写的,然后闲无聊去Lazarus调试,tab缩进勿喷。